Fast facts on stevia
What is 3,3'-Diindolymethane?
Diindoylymethane (DIM) helps balance, normalise and improve estrogen metabolism in women and helps eliminate active estrogen from the male body by promoting its conversation into the “good” metabolites.
Hormonal Imbalances VS. Weight Loss
Do you feel like your doing everything right yet struggling to shed those few extra kg's? It could be down to internal hormone imbalances - any and all hormonal imbalance can lead to difficulty in loosing weight.
Protein Myths Exposed
Protein - we all need it. Having enough of it and from quality sources, is the difference between "Hey" and "WOAH, have you been working out?”. However there seems to be a lot of misconceptions about protein, its benefits, negatives and effects.
This article is based on our best friend SCIENCE, so let’s set the record straight!