Improve your nutrition with these simple steps
Improve your nutrition with these simple steps
Each every 2-3 hours
The answer is simply: Eat 4-6 portion controlled balanced meals every 2-3 hours throughout the day. By eating this way you effortlessly speed up your metabolism, add a glass or two of water to each meal and increase your metabolism even more. 70% of weight loss is based on WHAT, WHEN and WHY you eat.
If your eating every few hours your body has no choice but to speed up your metabolism and get that fat burning!
Long periods without food may cause your body to break down muscle tissue for energy, resulting in a slower metabolism. It is necessary to maintain lean muscle mass for an elevated metabolism, because muscle mass burns more calories than fat mass.
So burn baby. Burn.
Eat vegetables every time you eat
The benefits of veggies don’t need to be explained but just in case you missed it, vegetables contain high levels of Vitamins and Minerals that your body needs to be at optimal health.
Eat proteins every time you eat
Now we aren’t saying to eat a 500g steak at every meal, but incorporating quality protein portions into each meal will have benefits on not only the development of lean muscle but also the disintegration of fat. Adding protein to every meal will help you maintain your muscle mass but also protein takes more calories to digest that Carbohydrates or Fats. Quality protein shakes are a great way to attain your protein goals, aim for something high in protein and as natural as possible.
Eat carbs in moderation and with a plan
Don’t be a “carb-o-phobe”.
Please be aware that by Carbohydrates we do not mean simply carbs such as pasta and bread, we are talking about super carbs, your complex carbohydrates sourced from things such as Brown Rice, Quiona, Basmati Rice and Sweet Potato.
Carbohydrates provide you with energy so they’re important for optimal health and increasing your metabolism. Without energetic calories (which is essentially what carbs are), your metabolism will suffer quickly. There was quite a phase where people were under the illusion that low-carb diets will aid metabolism, but this is actually the opposite to being true and in unrealistic in terms of sustainability.
Complex carbs are slow digesting and offer more nutritional value and health benefits appose to Simply Carbs. Because complex carbs tend to be low-calorie yet high in fibre, they promote a ‘full feeling’ that may aid in weight loss. Complex carb-rich foods also provide health benefits including lower cholesterol, decreased risk of heart disease and diabetes control.
So incorporating complex carbs into a few of your meals throughout the days can be extremely beneficial.
Healthy fats
There are 3 types of fats - saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated. Eating a balance of all three fats SPREAD throughout the day can have dramatic improvements in terms of your health and even assist with your weight loss aims. Where your fats come from is important through, eating McDonalds burgers to attain fats will not have the same effects as eating healthy good fats derived from natural sources. Your saturated fats should come from your animal proteins or QUALITY protein powders. Your monounsaturated fat should come from mixed nuts, olives and olive oils and your polyunsaturated fat should from flaxseed oil, fish oil, and mixed nuts. Your fats should be spread evenly throughout the day and as a general rule should be a thumb nail worth of healthy fats in each meal.
Ditch calorific drinks
Say good-bye to fruit juice, alcoholic drinks and especially soda. Your best choices are water with lemon and green tea plain and simple. Aim for 3litres of water per day.
Focus on whole foods
Most of your dietary intake should come from whole foods, to attain your protein intake however Protein Shakes can be extremely beneficial as long as the powder is quality whey protein.
Preparation is key
Whether it be that you’re just starting to take your nutrition seriously or whether your competing, preparation is key food preparation makes it 10 times easier to stick to your food goals and can also make
Balance balance balance
Nutrition and exercise is all about balance so don’t overdo the exercise or beat yourself down about diet.
- Enjoy
Enjoy feeding your body quality nutrient rich foods and reaping the benefits. Hard work pays off and once you start seeing results you will find it easier than ever to maintain motivation